Saturday, 27 February 2016

Education to Build a Bettter Future

Education to Build a Better Future

            Education is the important need of human beings. Our background doesn’t matter—everyone needs to be educated. Education makes people able to gain knowledge of the world around and change it into something way better in the future. But first of all, do we have a good education system?

            Education is base of life. The system of education is ways how the education works. A good education system will lead people to be better and successful which means it will help making our world better too. The education system gets developed every time. This world tries to have a best education system for changing the world.

            Nowadays, we can see the education system in our school life. Is the system already good enough? Students are forced to wake up really early and sit for 7 hours in class and get all the theories of 4 until 6 subjects or have 3 exams and still do their homework at home each day from Monday to Saturday. Some teachers say it’s effective because they don’t waste time. But is it good for our nation’s next generation? Teachers give grades based on the theories of what students write on the exam paper. Students never learn to handle things in reality, in social life. They work hard every day and sometimes skip dinner to finish their homework up to midnight and have a little time to rest. Students who don’t understand never get a chance to ask and are left behind. They are forced to understand by themselves or take the last option; cheat on the exam. Students get bored of getting knowledge because teachers never show the enjoyment of studying. Sometimes they say they are tired but no one does an action to help. Each day, students learn how to hate school—this is the problem.

            The good education system is the system for students to learn and get knowledge for solving cases in real life and still get the enjoyment of studying without getting tired or having no time with their social life. However, teachers have to find a way to make school a fun place. Teachers have to grow the students’ enjoyment of studying and make sure they understand what they learn. Letting students ask and tell their opinions while studying will increase their creativity and confidence. Good students are the ones who can solve real problems and cases in life. They need to think out of the box. Good manners are also needed. Teachers have to teach how students should act to their social in socializing because good people with good education are known by the manners they have. It also prevents students from cheating on exam so the teachers won’t be anxious with how the students get their grades. In future, this stops them in doing bad things such as corruption. 

            The less homework won’t make our next generation more stupid. Also it doesn’t mean teachers have to stop giving homework. Homework is a good way for students to practice what they've learned at school, but don’t let them feel depressed and tired because they have to do a lot of homework and assignments without getting sleep at night. We all know sleeping is the need of human body and it’s the way to keep our body fit and healthy. Some teachers need to stop thinking that playing will decrease their students’ time to study. Playing can help students to solve problems, to be more active and creative in a fun way. Smart teachers will use playing tactic for teaching strategy. The last thing is don’t put too much time for studying. Our brain needs to stop working for a while. It will keep students’ mind fresh if they get a break to rest for 10 until 15 minutes before changing the subject.

In the future we all need a good generation to make the world a better place of living. It starts with a good education system. Let our next generation to have a bright future by getting a right education starts from now on :)

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